(poem) Ocean Love
my heart thrown up into a sky so blue
only to come down in a cannon ball form
to splash into your ocean of love
sinks deeper & deeper
so that every time you see a wave
thats my heart beating for your love
to deep to swim
so thats where my heart lays
at the bottom of your love
alone on the beach i sit
hoping my heart would wash up
this is the worst feeling in love
no more sitting back
im taking my chances with this
head first i dive into your love
deeper & deeper i get, only to find at the bottom of your heart lays......
guys from the past hearts
now im to deep in love to swim up
your heart wont let me go
words i never thought i would ever hear
until my air ran out & your heart became my water grave
now i know the true meany of being in LOVE
LoveRance DUh!